

We're the piece you've been missing.

Archetype SC is a full-service technology consulting agency that will do whatever it takes to elevate your business to the next level. We're ready to take on any project you can dream up with digital transformation services including cybersecurity, website and application development, systems integration, data analytics, and business consulting. 

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We do complicated.

At Archetype SC, we understand that the right solution usually isn’t the quickest or the most simple one, and that’s OK — we’re dedicated to finding the best solution for our clients no matter what.

Our company was founded on the idea that a consultancy doesn’t have to squeeze out every billable hour from our team or bleed every penny from our clients to be successful. We strive to do the right thing because it’s who we are.

When it comes to digital transformation, we know change isn’t always easy, and implementation often involves details that can be confusing, challenging, or even dangerous.

That’s why our team is focused on educating and guiding our clients through each step of the process with integrity, dedication, and a knack for translating even the most complex ideas into actionable advice you can trust.

That’s why we say “We do complicated.” ... We just make it look easy.


We like to get our hands (and our Jeeps) dirty.

Archetype SC began in 2014 as an idea between friends with compatible professional skills who shared a love of off-roading in their Jeeps.

From there, veteran UX designer Joseph Bonanno and former IBM security engineer Usman Khan formed a partnership that has blossomed into a digital consulting agency.

Headquartered in Myrtle Beach, S.C., Archetype SC is now one of the fastest-growing technology companies in the area known as “the Grand Strand”, taking on projects ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. 

Our staff of more than 25 full-time employees specializes in digital transformation with a focus on providing technology solutions to fit the unique needs of each client.

Our leadership team has served on boards and organizations with Coastal Carolina University, Horry-Georgetown Technical College, the Grand Strand Tech Council, the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce, the Myrtle Beach Regional Economic Development Corporation, and the City of Myrtle Beach Technology Advisory Board.

Both Archetype SC founders have been recognized locally, with Bonanno being named the 2015 Entrepreneur of the Year and Khan as the winner of the 2016 Business Growth and New Marketing Initiatives award from the Grand Strand Tech Council.

As Archetype SC looks toward future growth and partnerships to turn Myrtle Beach into a technology hub, Bonanno has championed the cause of growing the Grand Strand technology industry, asking “Why not the beach?” for job creation and business relocation.


We're more than a company, we're a family.

At Archetype SC, we aim to work with companies that share our values to find solutions that are creative, innovative, and focused on making things easier for their customers. These values guide every interaction, every strategy, and every process we use to provide our partners with the best possible customer experience:



We are a hard-working and dedicated team of consultants who strive to do what’s right instead of what’s easiest, quickest, or most profitable. We employ people who are motivated to empower others to achieve technology independence.

We encourage employees to go be­yond what’s needed when deal­ing with all as­pects of their po­si­tion — al­ways striving to ex­ceed ex­pec­ta­tions. Our goal is to re­ward em­ploy­ees for fos­ter­ing a sense of dedication to their craft and to making ASC a great company.



We work to fos­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tion and co­op­er­a­tion throughout every interaction in order to bet­ter our­selves, our partners, and others in our industry. We promote and encourage an “open door” policy that allows employees to have their voices heard and to bounce ideas off of one another at any time.

We strive to build a culture of transparency within our organization, giving our employees and partners a chance to communicate and provide honest feedback on our policies, our approach to projects, and our work as a whole.



We are thought leaders in the technology solutions space — educating ourselves, staying on top of trends, and sharing our knowledge on a daily basis. We will continually grow our expertise by offering training and education opportunities to our employees.

We will educate our clients and partners each day through clear and open communication and the constant exchange of knowledge on topics including, but not limited to, digital transformation and technology.



Archetype SC is focused on finding the right solution for any business challenge. We empower our employees to do the right thing because it’s who we are.

We treat our employees and clients with integrity and respect in all we do as we strive to build lasting relationships. 



We provide our clients with expertise in a variety of areas across several industries, thus we value those who bring a versatile set of skills to their position. We hire individuals who enjoy multitasking and are able to perform a variety of tasks at a high level.

We promote versatility and synergy with learning sessions across departments and by encouraging employees to learn more about all aspects of the business regularly.



We pride ourselves on being more than just co-workers, we are truly a work family. From leadership down to each and every employee, we promote a culture of inclusion and a family-friendly atmosphere that encourages comradery and compassion.

From Friday Funday lunches and office ice cream parties to attending baseball games and theater productions, we enjoy working and playing together. We will facilitate gatherings to bring the company and family together in meaningful and deliberate ways. 



We are recognized as much for the information we share with our peers, as for the solutions we provide to our clients. We give back to our community by sharing our time, talents, expertise, and energy in meaningful ways.

Our staff members serve as board members and ambassadors for a variety of local organizations and work daily to help grow the technology industry on the Grand Strand.

Whether it's interacting with local students to review and provide feedback on technology-based projects, donating computers to area schools, or getting involved with community charities, we strive to add value to everything we’re involved in.

Contact Us Today!

Ready to learn more about how the Archetype SC team can help your business grow digitally? Call us today at 843-353-2929 or click below schedule a consultation today!

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